To place an order, you can add items to your basket and validate it via your customer area. To place an order on the Internet, your account must be accepted by the company. To create an account or log in, please click here.


You can also order by e-mail at commande@walomo.com or by telephone on 01 49 90 00 00.




All returns must be approved by us. Products may be returned within 15 days of delivery, on presentation of the product in its original packaging, accompanied by the BL or the invoice: return costs are at the customer's expense. It must be accompanied by the corresponding invoices to establish a credit note. Goods delivered more than 1 month after delivery cannot be returned.




Under no circumstances will we accept the return of goods that have undergone alterations (removal of labels, retouching, marking, etc.). Even in the event of a defect on our part, or an error in data entry, order preparation, delivery, etc., we will not accept the return of the goods. It is the customer's responsibility to check that the order has been properly carried out before any work is carried out on the goods.


WALOMO - PARIS NORD II - 70 rue de la Perdrix - BP 47008 - 95911 Roissy CDG Cedex.
TEL: (33) 01 49 90 00 00 - FAX: (33) 01 49 90 00 01 - email: walomo@walomo.com - SARL
RCS Bobigny - SIRET 330 354 614 00035 - APE 4649 Z - N° Identification TVA: FR 13 330 354 614